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Nasodine history

Nasodine® Nasal Spray was developed over 10 years by a biotechnology company called Firebrick Pharma. The goal was to develop a high-quality nasal cleanser that combined optimum user convenience with clinically-proven safety, manufacturing quality and a 2-year shelf life. They succeeded with Nasodine Nasal Spray and it is now available in the USA.

Nasodine® is a registered trademark owned by Firebrick Pharma and the product is supported by multiple US & international patents.
In the US, Nasodine Nasal Spray is manufactured and distributed by Nasodine LLC under an exclusive license from Firebrick Pharma.

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Firebrick Pharma
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Firebrick Pharma is founded with the mission to develop novel products.

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Product Development
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Firebrick's R&D program successfully develops a novel nasal spray, that is formulated and engineered for the most convenient user experience.

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Product safety testing
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Several studies show that Nasodine is safe to use in the nose when applied 3-4 sprays per nostril 4 times daily.

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Peer-reviewed publications
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More research studies concluded and published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Nasodine in the US
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Nasodine LLC created with the mission to make Nasodine available in the US under license from Firebrick Pharma.

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Firebrick Pharma

Firebrick Pharma is founded with the mission to develop novel products.

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Product Development

Firebrick's R&D program successfully develops a novel nasal spray, that is formulated and engineered for the most convenient user experience.

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Product safety testing

Several studies show that Nasodine is safe to use in the nose when applied 3-4 sprays per nostril 4 times daily.

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Peer-reviewed publications

More research studies concluded and published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Nasodine in the US

Nasodine LLC created with the mission to make Nasodine available in the US under license from Firebrick Pharma.

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Firebrick Pharma

Firebrick Pharma is founded with the mission to develop novel products.

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Product Development

Firebrick's R&D program successfully develops a novel nasal spray, that is formulated and engineered for the most convenient user experience.

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Product safety testing

Several studies show that Nasodine is safe to use in the nose when applied 3-4 sprays per nostril 4 times daily.

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Peer-reviewed publications

More research studies concluded and published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Nasodine in the US

Nasodine LLC created with the mission to make Nasodine available in the US under license from Firebrick Pharma.

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Why Nasodine is the choice for you

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Ready to use

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Ingredients designed to eliminate airborne irritants and soothe the nasal passages

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Backed by a decade of R&D & peer-reviewed publications